Living the Principles of Kwanzaa: How HTI Catalysts Honors the Nguzo Saba Year-Round
How HTI Catalysts embody the spirit of Kwanzaa year-round and 3 practical tips on how your business can as well.
How HTI Catalysts embody the spirit of Kwanzaa year-round and 3 practical tips on how your business can as well.
Listening 4 Justice starts its 2nd series today. I appreciate getting clear on the magic of small groups. I find myself so anxious to connect with others doing this work primarily in the U.S context and worldwide. I appreciate what reflection brings – clarity around what is yours to do. Every time I reflect on …
Today is a big day for HTI as we are about to facilitate the last of four semi-annual multi-day convenings of the Youth Arts Initiative learning community of youth development professionals. This multi-year initiative was funded by The Wallace Foundation and supported Boys and Girls Clubs and the field of youth development in general in …